Leveraging digital for general interest!

Offering everyone the keys to digital literacy

Millions of French men and women are currently excluded from the digital world 

The Digital Society Program implements the Government's action plan for digital inclusion. It aims to enable all French people to access their rights and information, to benefit from the opportunities offered by digital technology by preparing them for new skills and new jobs, but also by giving them the first keys to be informed citizens in the digital society.

The Program mobilizes a very broad coalition of public and private actors, working in public and social action, technology, digital and "maker" culture, popular education...

Thus, since 2018 and based on the needs identified during the development of the National Strategy for an inclusive digital, the Program intervenes to :

  • accompany towards digital autonomy and appropriation ;
  • guarantee human support by giving caregivers the means to bridge the gap between digital administrative procedures and users
  • offer French people support programs;
  • Supporting initiatives by local authorities and local players.

The 250M€ « digital inclusion » segment of the recovery plan accelerates and enriches these initiatives in three areas:

  1. Recruiting and training 4,000 France Services digital advisors who will offer digital initiation workshops in close proximity to the French people
  2. Better equip the structures and actors of digital mediation
  3. Equip and train digital mediators and helpers.
Amounts expressed in millions of euros

Supporting local authorities in their territorial digital inclusion strategies 

The Agence Nationale de la Cohésion des Territoires is at the service of local authorities, the main partners of the Digital Society Program. Our tools help them design or develop a local digital inclusion strategy, in particular by

  • By highlighting the issues related to digital inclusion (via the Digital Society Lab)
  • By promoting interaction between stakeholders and decision-makers (notably through the Digital Voucher)
  • By co-financing new ambitious local projects
  • By bringing together local actors by supporting local events